"Don’t! We will discuss this matter slowly … "

"Don’t! We will discuss this matter slowly … "

Chapter 17 attempts
60 meters to the left at 53 Pound Street in the third district.
This lane is sandwiched by the walls of two houses, and no one else opens the door. Usually, there are few people walking in the lane, and in the past two days, it has almost become Norman’s temporary office in the third district
Now he’s sitting inside, leaning against the wall, carrying his back and putting the package aside.
"… what a stingy guy"
There was a man in the alley who complained to himself that "he drank more than half of a whole ale, so I couldn’t sleep in it for two nights …"
He struggled with Thomas for a long time yesterday until both of them drank up the barrel of ale. Thomas still refused to let him sleep at Thomas’s house, but Thomas himself didn’t sleep inside, so he slept that night. What a freak outside.
After complaining about the old drunkard, Norman remembered the people who fell from the sky.
"That is a spell …"
Unlike Norman’s so-called "life-changing spell" that tricked Peggy, what those people did last night was obviously a real spell, so that they could fly from the sky in violation of common sense and not fall to death.
Former Peggy said that magic power can "make the storm blow on a clear day and make the silent volcano erupt instantly". Norman thought it was this little girl’s exaggeration, or her other teacher, Mr. Sen, also fooled her. Norman didn’t believe that he could do such an incredible thing by himself.
Yesterday, however, things made Norman face up to the power of magic again, even making people fly like birds, something that Norman couldn’t even think of before. What else can’t be done with magic? More than Norman, he deeply suspected that he often did that dream, and the scene was caused by magic.
"I really want to experience the power of a mage …"
Norman muttered unconsciously, his hands stretched out in front of him.
He looked at his hands and an idea sprang up involuntarily. Then he got up and looked around as carefully as a thief. After making sure that there was no one in front of or behind the lane, he looked back with solemn expression and solemnly sang, "Great Dan Tai is long. You faithful believers pray for four glimmers …"
Norman has read the paper with spells written on it more than once in Peggy’s private teaching these days. The wizards in his body have helped him to memorize this spell, and now he can say it immediately, and often after a few days of "learning", his ancient language level has improved. A small part of this spell can actually be understood, which also gives him the urge to try again.
Norman was so absorbed in this spell that he noticed something different!
He still remembers that when Peggy read this spell at home, nothing happened and he spoke just like usual, but this time he just started reading this spell and something seemed to move in his body!
It’s hard to talk. It’s like there’s a small pool of things in his head flowing with him chanting spells!
At the same time, there seems to be one thing in his mind, this small pool of things flows into such things … It’s really hard to understand. For example, it’s like Norman has a barrel in his head, and there is also a pool of ale that consciously flows into this barrel as Norman sings a spell, but there is too little ale, and before Norman finishes singing, it flows into the barrel.
"… request arrival!"
A breeze twisted around Norman’s hand in front of him, and the alley was silent.
Norman kept his posture just now, and his eyes wandered around for half a day.
Nothing happened
"Alas …"
Norman sighed and put his hands back in front of him just now.
Just now, after he was keenly aware of the different shapes in front of his body, he was able to successfully launch the spell this time. Unexpectedly, he still failed to launch anything, which made him frown and think hard about how the spell was launched. Didn’t he read the spell completely? What is missing? ……
Norman just sat in the alley thinking hard and didn’t want to walk at the corner of the white alley, which made Norman temporarily focus on the past-today "learning" is about to start again
In the past few days, Norman has gone from the low-end pattern of public robbery on the first day to the high-end pattern of the so-called younger brother, Bernie Baker and Pi Nuo. These guys who were robbed by him on the first day are now his younger brothers. They volunteered to find "broilers" to rob Norman of the old saying knowledge. Norman needs to sit here and wait every day. Everything is wonderful and incredible.
What’s even more incredible is that none of the students who were dragged by them to let Norman rob the knowledge of the old saying were dissatisfied and swearing, but they were more embarrassed by their hands and feet. On the contrary, those guys were all smiling and smiling.
All these city people have a hobby of being robbed?
Norman is a little puzzled, but it’s nothing else. He just needs to be able to rob knowledge. Of course, after each robbery, he will "help" these robbed poor people to look at their ancient saying industry-the ancient saying group has at most a word meaning explanation. Of course, all these are not necessary for Norman. The scope of ancient saying he has studied can be easily solved.
Everything is going well.
At this rate, there should be no problem in passing the entrance examination for that church school after one month, right? ……
Norman thought about seeing people coming in at the corner as usual, but unlike usual, there was something wrong with the people.
Seeing the bearer, Norman was distracted just now, his eyes were sharp, his waist was bent and he was lifted, and he quickly grabbed his parcel from the ground and started to run in the opposite direction, but he just turned around and stopped before his left leg took a step.
Lane this head also drilled two people.
Norman turned his body back and looked at the two faces smiling at the corner, but his heart was already swearing. Bernie Baker Pi Nuo, don’t let Lao run into you again, or you will be beaten until you don’t even know your mother!
See the alley to the two men, one is quite fat and the other is very thin.
Norman, the fat man in a red and white jacket, has also known each other these two days. He knows that this is Cardenas’ public security system, and the thin one is wearing a loose gray robe with a small moustache and triangular eyes. At first glance, he doesn’t look like a good man, and he looks a little awkward with a solemn look.
Franklin? Wood has got to know this noble mage with the eye of the triangle, that is, the owner of the red house, through wandering around the third district these days.
He robbed his students himself, and he finally found the door.
Chapter 10 Trapped beast
"Will Mr. Franklin arrest him?"
Pi Nuo squatted and looked up at Bernie and asked anxiously.
Bernie is the tallest young man among those who were robbed by Norman on the first day. Now he is constantly sticking his head into the lane to see the scene inside, but the structure of the lane is very curved, and he can’t see what is inside, and he doesn’t know what is going on inside.
Finally, he could shrink his head back, shake it and sigh, "I think so, or Mr. Franklin wouldn’t have brought red and white stripes."
The "red and white stripes" in his mouth are the guards of the city of Cardenas, also known as security soldiers. Because they are made of red and white striped mandarin jackets, they are also directly called red and white stripes by some people. These red and white stripes are the most basic violent institutions in Cardenas, which are generally under the jurisdiction of the sheriff. However, for many citizens who do not understand the organizational system of urban security institutions, many people will treat red and white stripes as sheriff, such as Norman.
Pi Nuo asked again, "Then he can’t help us finish our studies?"
Bernie replied "Yes"
Pi Nuo asked again, "Can we see him again?"
Bernie didn’t answer again but was silent.
He really wants to answer "yes", but his reason and experience tell him that the answer is "no"
Mr. Franklin specially invited red and white stripes to do things according to these people’s style. They are likely to arrest Norman and then throw him in prison for several years, more than ten years or even a generation.
Civilians beating nobles is a big crime.
Thought of here, Bernie glanced at Beck, who had been silent for a long time.
Although he didn’t fall into Mr. Franklin’s class with these wealthy children, Baker is still a noble child and will only inherit the baron title of his father in the future. Even now, he has a transition title from baron, which is considered noble. Norman beat him black and blue, which is a violation of the law of Augustus United Kingdom. It is reasonable to throw him in prison.
Baker noticed Bernie’s eyes, which made his face twitch. He turned away and stared at the street with his back against the wall. The crowd was stubborn in silence.
Pi Nuo is very clever. Although Bernie didn’t answer him, he knew that Bernie’s silence was an answer.
"I will miss him …"
Pi Nuo dialect also represents Bernie and Baker’s heart.
Young people’s minds are much simpler than those of adults. Although Norman beat them hard and scared them, Norman also had something that surprised them-his ancient sayings were as proficient as their teacher, Mr. Franklin! Moreover, he is so young and about their age, which makes them worship consciously. In addition, Norman has told them a lot of wonderful experiences that they have never heard of, such as farm work, forest hunting, fierce wild boar, terrible spotted tiger and so on. These are things that they have never experienced before, and just listening to them makes them admire Norman more.
In the end, Norman and others have made a splash in the third district mage student group in the past two days. Now many children in the third district know that they are "big shots who can help them solve the annoying old saying industry", which makes them enjoy something that they have never been sought after before. Even their old rival Charlie has taken the initiative to be nice to them, but they dare not think about it before …
All this makes them unconsciously regard Norman as "the big brother next door" and "the king of children". If he is missing, life will really lack a lot of fun.
Looking at the pedestrian in the street silently, Baker suddenly bounced back from the wall, took his legs and walked to one side of the lane.
Bernie said, "What are you doing!"
Before Norman arrived, Bernie was the head of their group. His words still carried some weight. Baker temporarily stopped his steps and explained, "I’m going to go in and make it clear to Mr. Franklin that I fought with Charlie and them two days ago voluntarily. I was beaten. Aren’t Charlie and them still okay?" Add myself this time, I believe he will be fine. "
Bernie Bibeek is more aware of the hidden rules in these things.
"Without him, it’s a violation of the laws of the kingdom. It’s not that you don’t want to pursue it."
He shook his head and explained in detail, "unlike Norman, Charlie and his children are rich businessmen. We can all see that he is the lowest class even among civilians, and he is not a mage student, which doomed him to be treated like Charlie and his children."
Although there are two classes in Augustus United Kingdom, there are many subtle classes, especially in recent hundreds of years. For example, the class of urban wealthy businessmen has become a class that cares about civilians and nobles. Even if Charlie and his gang beat Baker black and blue in their daily fights, it will be attributed to the normal play of children, and no one will care about the laws of the real kingdom. Even if Norman beats a noble master, he will be seriously investigated, let alone make Baker look like this.
Baker knew Bernie should be right, but he was still unwilling. "But we have to do something!"
Something has to be done …
Bernie touched Pi Nuo’s head and looked at Baker’s impatience for a long time. "You’re right, we have to do something! Go! "
Even if you go in to persuade and explain, you may not get anything, but it’s better than waiting here! ……
Norman didn’t know that his fists and words had been levied on these guys in just a few days. He knew that he was likely to face the greatest danger after coming to Cardenas.
Those sheriffs are tough with big arms and a round waist, not to mention they all have weapons in their hands-Norman once saw their swords drawn in the street, and the sharp sword awn can even reflect light, which is obviously much more dangerous than the rusty knife of the agricultural officer. He doesn’t want to try it himself.

There are no distractions in the plane, and not all of them are in the outer plane.

The main material plane, the element plane, the shadow world, the spiritual world, etc.
But when most of the gods, the most advanced in the world, are all gathered in one place.
Then this place will inevitably become the top of the pyramid of the world.
Ling Qing has become an immortal now. As soon as he entered this world, he became a god. Naturally, he did not want to hide in a corner in a strange world.
That’s two places at once.
He wants to see this world limit.
Chapter one thousand sixty-nine Plane alliance
Seeing the invitation from the outer plane, Lingqing is preparing to take Van, Zhang Yuan Bai and orochimaru to visit.
However, I saw that there was a divine light falling from the paradise and the abyss at the bottom of heaven, which swept the three people into the main material plane.
When Ling Qing stepped in to stop him, there was a divine light coming from each of the 17th National Congress to suppress him.
"Hum!" Lingqing cold hum rises behind him with three swords and a firm but gentle virtual shadow around him. World War I will cut out the divine light.
When I turned to look again, all three people had fallen into the main plane and disappeared.
Seeing this, he suddenly urged mana to give out a long song that resounded through the world.
"Ang! ! !”
The whole body shape is surrounded by the divine domain, which merges into a huge ancient dragon.
The four swords of Zhu Xian turned into the first four, and Ryukakusan made an all-out effort to rush to the 17th National Congress.
"Arrogance! !”
The number of sounds in the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China seems to have been angered by Ling Qing’s actions.
The gods led their own gods to pray for peace and form an army with all the face creatures to kill Lingqing.
"Newborn Druid God, you need to show your humility!"
In a void, some powerful gods are silently watching the upcoming war.
Like a dark light, Wolida Mara said, "I think we should give this new druid some respect!" "
"Respect? Wait till he comes to us! " Cyric, the god of murder, doesn’t care
"A new god and how much strength? In my opinion, it is better to take away his deity and let them connect with the hub.
Presumably you can get more strength. "
I heard that the gods were silent.
The crystal wall world is very special. It was born like the world of Montenegro and the world of magic stars, and it floated out of the long river of time.
But unlike these bubble worlds, it is made up of fantasy and will.
Because of the ultimate force, it gave birth to a little truth from illusion at the time of its birth.
This trace of truth is like a fairy standing on the roots of heaven and earth, like a chaotic vortex in the water, wind and fire.
Make it possible to become a reality.
Dreams and bubbles have been repeated for thousands of times. With the growing strength of the Force and the desire of the creatures in the world, this crystal wall world has grown rapidly like a flash of ten thousand years.
It has evolved into a complete world like the wilderness created by the wilderness.
However, the Great Wilderness has been bred in the boundary of water, wind and fire for tens of millions of years, and it has a complete world foundation of evolution.
Although the crystal wall world has evolved into a complete world, it does not have enough solid foundation to support it.

Is it because of Ayin?

Is that woman worried that Ayin will know about getting rid of that man?
Why do you have to come to him?
On the surface, he is good, but in fact he wants to kill someone with a knife?
In this way, even if Ayin notices something afterwards, he can protect himself.
And he just
In an instant, the blue fox’s pupil suddenly became frightful and cold.
next day
A great event happened in the palace before dawn.
———— Yunxi in the dark prison is crazy.
Yes, yes, the woman went completely crazy in just one night.
When the guards took people out of the prison, Yunxi’s body was scratched with blood by her nails, while her long and beautiful nails were red and stained with blood.
When people helped the car to go to the hospital, the women kept scratching the white skin of their necks, which made people unable to bear to look straight at the blood stains. A pair of fox pupils were frightened, and their mouths kept repeating, "Don’t come here, don’t come here."
So when I woke up and was about to have breakfast, I couldn’t help but slightly zheng when I heard the news, and a figure suddenly flashed in my mind.
On the contrary, Sangmian, who is arranging breakfast, blurted out "It seems that the fox clan temple is really not a passionate person. Although the cloud creek is a niece of the elders of the cloud, it is also a beauty. Now it directly scares others crazy. This cloud creek is completely finished in this generation."
"Do you know he did it?" That guy was beaten so badly by her last night that he was used to dealing with Yunxi?
"Who else would it be if it wasn’t him?" Sang Mian’s eyes and bare lips wandered around for a circle, and the thoughtful woman with drooping eyes filled a bowl of porridge. "As far as I know, Jinze and Elder Yun have always been at odds. Now Yunxi enters the Hougong of Jinze at night, hoping to help the beautiful niece to win over other forces in the palace. Although I don’t like Yunxi, I have to say that she is called a beauty, plus she is of noble birth and pedigree. Do you know how fatal this temptation is to those orcs?"
After a pause, Sang Mian raised his eyebrows. "Do you think Yunlu will win over his power through Yunxi at night?"
After listening to the light voice and slowly swallowing a big mouthful of rice porridge, my eyes still turned in confusion. "But it seems that I can attract others if I am crazy?"
"The nature of energy has completely changed." Sang Mian seriously analyzed the predecessors’ opinions. "It’s like coming to the place to support the ability to turn now. It sounds as if there is no difference, but the meaning is very different. Especially for Yunlu, it’s a world of difference. Without the support of the face, those who are wooed by him can always turn against him."
Chapter 34 impeded (14)
The light tone suddenly realized that if those people become Yunxi Beastmasters and Yunlu nephews, then all support will become a face. Those who have been wooed naturally have no retreat and can support Yunlu wholeheartedly.
But now Yunxi is crazy. Even if Yunxi used to be so prominent, surely those royal people wouldn’t condescend to be a crazy woman. Isn’t it a joke to go out?
Since you can’t become a cloud creek orc, you will naturally lose your identity, and this "support" will naturally become secret. In case the situation is wrong, those people can rejoin the team.
I have to say that this is really a far cry from Yunlu.
After a moment of silence, Sang Mian’s face was a bit more sad. "I’m afraid it’s hard for this cloud to survive in the day after tomorrow. I know that Yunlu is the most happy thing, but after all, he is not a royal orthodoxy. The biggest reliance is his palace connections and his position in the Presbyterian church. This thing has been fickle since ancient times. They can listen to Yunlu today and win over others. They must have given a lot of benefits before. Now I don’t know how many beds Yunxi will be sent to and how many people will spoil it."
I can’t help but feel sluggish when I hear the words and drink porridge.
Sang Mian lowered her eyes and drank porridge, and went on to say, "A crazy woman doesn’t deserve her birthright. She has changed from a socialite to a senior helper. Even if Yunlu wants to win over Yunlu again, everyone can act in secret. Otherwise, once she is known, her reputation will be ruined. They won’t even let a crazy woman go at night. Jinze’s move is to properly press the value of Yunxi to the lowest level and want to grieve Yunlu alive."
Speaking of which, Sang Mian couldn’t help sighing and looking a little more with emotion. "I heard that Yunxi is Yunlu’s niece, but her heart likes Jinze at night, otherwise it is impossible to stand being pointed at by people every day and staying in Jinze’s bedroom at night as a" personal maid ".Personally, I think that Jinze at night should not be so cruel to a koo girl even if she is at odds with Yunlu again."
"It was the emperor’s family who did things without mercy, even for people who liked him and accompanied him. It seems that how many such evil things have been done before will be so habitual."
Paused sang mian looked at the person sitting opposite and looked a little worried. "But I am more worried about you than Yunxi."
Listening to a silent and light voice, I suddenly looked up and looked surprised. "Me?"
Sangmian nodded. "Everyone in the palace knows that you had an argument in Yunxi yesterday, but Yunxi is crazy today. It’s night before adding you. You will know that Jinze is your vent at night. It’s simply a trick to kill you and push you to the front."
Light tone smell speech complexion transient
Sang Mian looked thoughtfully at the man who was sitting and drinking porridge without saying a word. "We will leave here as soon as your friend recovers. Our identity may be special. Others have targeted us, but we don’t know it yet. Don’t go out of the waterside pavilion these days. Stay here. If you want to visit your friend, you must remember not to act alone with me."
Chapter 349 impeded (15)
Light tone smell speech darling nodded and looked down at the rice porridge eyes in his hand and slipped a bit of thought. The whole person suddenly lost his appetite.
Is it really night Jinze?
At the thought of the time when they used to get along, and at the thought that Jinze’s dog looked stupid and dull at night, she couldn’t believe that Jinze would do such a horrible thing at night.
Just then the desk phone suddenly rang.
Sang Mian looked around and there was a flash of light in her eyes and then she pressed it.
The other end of the "master" seems to be Long Liyin, "Leader Yu Linwei led a team to inspect the waterside pavilion"
"Feather Lin Wei? Check the waterside pavilion? " Sang Mian’s eyes were surprised. "What?"
"Just got the news that Miss Qingyin’s companion killed three night nurses in the SICU ward of the building, and then sneaked into the bedroom of the main hall and attacked the fox king. Now the fox king is furious and sent someone to catch Miss Qingyin." Because the owner has an order not to enter the waterside pavilion at will, he must first stop people from outside the waterside pavilion and then inform Sang Mian for instructions through words.
"What? Is the fox king injured? " Sang Mian was so frightened that even the spoon in his hand fell into the bowl.

Dissatisfaction broke out just now, and the students gasped in succession. It was unbelievable!

They believe that Peter said that Xu is very strong.
However, they think it is a bit mysterious that Peter said that Xu retired easily and suppressed the establishment of the army on behalf of Jiao the next day last year.
Don’t brag like this, do you?
"To tell you the truth, Xu tui is a big Yi Long of China University of Gene Evolution. I am a big tiger!
But up to now, I have never challenged Xu to retreat.
Not because of the war, but
But because it doesn’t make sense!
At this stage, my challenge to retire is purely abusive and will not increase my actual combat experience, but will also undermine my confidence.
So I, a big tiger, have never challenged Yi Long. "
Peter’s words shocked this group of dissatisfied students again.
Is the gap really so big?
Is Xu tui really so strong?
"Peter, you’re not sworn brothers, are you?" Suddenly someone in the crowd made a joke
Peter was instantly angry!
"I’d like to talk to Xu back and become sworn friends, but I can’t open my mouth without that friendship.
Forget it!
I went to see Xu tui tiao lei! "
Peter angrily turned away.
Organizer Yuan Shu looked embarrassed. "Peter said it was true! But let’s watch the battle first and then adjust the tactics at any time as needed! "
"all right"
Yuan Shu’s words gave these students a step and rushed to the Tianjiao Challenge.
Instructor Lu Kang looked at Xu’s retreat towards the challenge.
Is this retreat really so strong?
The Tianjiaobang challenge ring at the lunar base covers a large area, 200 meters long and 150 meters wide.
However, due to the large number of participants at the same time, especially during peak hours.
This Tianjiao challenge ring is divided into ten areas.
It’s ten small challenges.
Each area has a fixed length of 20 meters and a width of 15 meters, which is a little narrow for the war area.
However, the Tianjiao challenge rules are a little closer to actual combat.
Area 1-10 is only the first battle area.
The scope of World War I will be expanded to a huge area with a length of 200 meters and a width of 150 meters!
Of course, there are other classmates who will interfere with them and will also affect them.
There may even be some range abilities that accidentally hurt the challenger.
But these are all in the rules of Tianjiao List.
It’s your bad luck to be disturbed by others
There are too many external interference factors in actual combat.

"I like the back door," Xue Xin said with a smile.

"Shut up"
Soi Fon gave him a white snow letter immediately.
After the distribution of the four groups, Soi Fon added, "Then let’s talk about the precautions and signal transmission methods for a warning."
Chapter sixty-one Truth
After about twenty minutes, two Sineitai captains, Soi Fon and Suzuki, told all the plans and distributed the snow letter, which also made them white.
Guard the back door with the three of them to prevent someone from escaping from the back door. That’s all you have to do
This is very simple.
It’s necessary for Sifengyuan Night One and Ota Tian Xijin to solve the problem of the old patriarch and the little patriarch. The strongest one left is just a four-seat team. If you can’t reach the level strength of the vice captain, you can’t reach the qualitative change gap.
When Xuexin’s strength is deadlocked for a while, it is possible to defeat with Soi Fon without any problem.
And it’s not difficult to have people around to support you.
After the distribution, everyone stays here and waits
They came ten minutes early because of Soi Fon, and now there are twenty minutes left from the plan.
We can’t leave until five fifty.
In this way, when we have to wait for ten minutes, Soi Fon and Suzuki will stay here and start with the Qifan team, while other Sineitai players will join Sifengyuan Yeyi and Ota Tadashi.
Sineitai will automatically arrive at their respective places as planned, and they need to go to the right places.
"Is there anything on my face?"
Snow letter looked at staring at his Soi Fon asked touching his cheek.
Soi Fon said with a snort of cold, "Don’t drag your feet later or I’ll spare you."
"Don’t worry."
Snow letter waved and said, "I will finish myself."
"I hope so"
Soi Fon twisted his head with his hands around his chest.
But at this time, Takashi Xiaomulo asked curiously, "What is Xuexin and Soi Fon?"
When death heard this, he looked at the snow letter and looked curious.
Soi Fon has been aiming at Xue Xin since just now. What exactly are they? What happened?
"Does he dare to answer?"
Soi Fon squinted at the snow letter and said with a smile
But the letter said, "I’m her brother."
Even Soi Fon was a little surprised by the slight one leng of death around him. I didn’t expect him to admit it himself.
Uemon, the little toon blade, frowned and asked, "What brother?"
"Brother, father and mother, brother and sister"
Snow letter said with a smile
Everyone is surprised, even the snow letter is no exception
Uemon, the little toon blade, asked curiously, "Is Soi Fon also a Zhibo family?"
Soi Fon shook his head and said, "It’s not my last name."
"bee? It seems that you are also a class aristocrat. You are brothers and sisters, but why is Xuexin surnamed Zhibo? "
Love Sichuan Luo Wu puzzled asked.
"Ask him."
Soi Fon said coldly that although he hated Xuexin’s violation of family rules at that time, he also knew that Xuexin had a new life and made new friends. His life was very happy and he joined the Seventh Team.
Plus, after learning that a large number of people attended this incident that night, she felt that if she said it, it would affect his life.
Now Soi Fon still hates him and will not give him a good look.
But he won’t do anything that will ruin his life again.
So Soi Fon didn’t intend to tell the truth and didn’t think the snow letter would come out.
"Well, I’m the fourth in the bee house. My name is Bee Shilang. According to the rules of the bee house, I need to go to the secret mobile army to join the criminal army to protect Night Adult, but one of my four brothers is dead. Maybe it’s my turn. I chose to refuse and was expelled from the house."
Snow letter shrugged his shoulders. "I’m leaving Lingting. I was introduced to Shibo’s family by an adult at night. It’s almost sixteen years since I was adopted."
After hearing what he said, everyone was in shock.
Soi Fon was also surprised. I didn’t expect him to say it and frankly admitted that he left because of fear.
"It turned out to be like this."
Aichuan Luowu smiled and said, "But if you go to the secret mobile unit, maybe we will lose a genius in the Seventh Team."
"That’s right"
Uemon, the little toon blade, also said, "I’m going to let you take my position as deputy captain. If you can’t, I’ll have to do it for two more years."
Seeing that no one around showed anger, Soi Fon was puzzled and asked, "But he is afraid of running away. Don’t you think it’s shameful?"
Aichuan Luowu said softly, "It’s shameful if you choose to do it but get away from it because of fear, but what’s the shame if he doesn’t choose to do it at all?"
"That’s right"
Uemon, a small toon blade, said, "It is the same for everyone to choose a life opportunity, and it is not a good thing to join the secret mobile forces to die."
Soi Fon didn’t like Uemon’s last sentence, but he didn’t refute anything. Instead, he looked at them unexpectedly and asked, "So you’re not afraid that he will run away in the middle school?"
"Ha ha ha"
Hearing her words, everyone burst out laughing.
"What are you laughing at?"
Soi Fon asked some angry.
Xiaomulong said, "Xuexin once had a relationship with a female death in his team. They were drunk and hugged and lying on the street together. They were found by the patrol of Shifan Team and sent to Shisanfan Team. Shiba Kaien wanted to punish them. Xuexin was beaten for 30 times and suffered punishment for the other party. He was beaten alive and passed out without saying a word. How can a responsible man run away from the game?"
"is there such a thing?"
Soi Fon was a little surprised when he heard it for the first time, but he still said, "But this is different. This is not the same."

He wouldn’t be too worried if he came behind the scenes.

But Lai is a minion … He understands too well how cruel those flatterers can be.
What if Xiaoli doesn’t say what they want?
Maybe the other person will …
No, he has to hurry back.
Rushed into the car and quickly took out the terminal and dialed several company researchers to communicate, but no one answered.
Obviously, Zhou Cheng was right, and everyone was under control.
The enemy is too strong to be serious now, but it has made him helpless.
The only thing he can expect is that the other party will not take him too seriously, just as no one will deliberately trample an ant to death.
He can dial his wife’s communication.
The other side will be connected soon …
"Xiaoli home into the thief? !”
Li Jijun started the vehicle, stepped on the gas pedal and the car flew home.
"That’s right … it’s broken. I’m afraid these thieves are prepared and should be your business enemies?"
Liu Xiaoli there voice with a little panic and shock.
"Don’t resist!"
Li Jijun Avenue "Let them take everything they want and don’t know where it is. You tell them … money, information and title deeds. Give them whatever they want. Don’t resist. Money is a foreign object. Ensuring your own safety is the first element …"
He dare not say too much.
Because the more you know, the easier it is to be killed.
Including him … He knows so much that I’m afraid he can’t escape the liquidation afterwards.
But Xiaoli and Xiaoyuan don’t know anything. It should not be an accident to cooperate.
Liu Xiaoli "is no longer"
"What ………. what? !”
"Because they were all knocked over by your daughter."
Liu Xiaoli said.
"What? !”
Li Jijun’s car was so shocked that it almost couldn’t step on the brakes and even people and cars turned into the ditch
Chapter 79 I was careless and didn’t flash
"Is it shocking?"
Liu Xiaoli looked a little callous and looked at the house with a stool and legs posing as a strange sword.
And in her feet lay several painful struggling figures just like the background wall.
But even with so many people testifying, she is still afraid to accept the reality at the moment …
Although she was alarmed by the enemy’s attack, she was not surprised.
Shopping malls, such as battlefields, are unruly, but there are not many people.
Over the years, with the rise of the Li family, I don’t know how many people have moved cakes, and many of them have been attacked by vicious people.
At the first stop, she skillfully pulled out a silver automatic pistol that Li Jijun gave her for her tenth birthday last year.
Holding a gun all the way, while the enemy didn’t understand the terrain of the manor, he quietly touched his daughter’s bedroom and planned to escape with her. Along the way, he heard a lot of squeal screams, all of which were paid bodyguards by the manor.
Obviously, the enemy has no good intentions.
But who knows that the daughter has just joined up and hasn’t come out yet, and she was directly blocked by several people in black masks.
There is no escape from the dead end. Liu Xiaoli is already ready to fight with them with a gun.
As a result, I didn’t expect my daughter to kick over the makeup stool, tear down a stool leg and rush …
This way, that way, that way …
Dancing on the stool and legs gives birth to wind.
The attacker is not without experts.
It’s a pity that in the face of fancy tactics and never seen a way of fighting before, all the unprepared departments were knocked down, that is, Li Yuan’s hands were not leaning on the heavenly sword, but stool legs, otherwise I’m afraid none of these people could stay alive.
In the game, even Li Yuan was shocked by his biting.
It was Cheng who forced Liu Xiaoli to break down.
Li Yuancheng’s rustling made her almost wonder if this was her usual stupid, greedy and lazy daughter?
She callous to communication said, "why don’t you believe it? I don’t believe I asked her. She said she was learning Wushu in the game … It’s just that I didn’t see much change when I played mahjong every day. "
"Stop it and run away. Don’t worry about everything at home. Let them toss you down. Even the outpost is not the enemy. It’s much more terrible than you think."
Li Jijun managed to hold the vehicle steady and shouted.
Then suddenly put on the brakes.
He looked gloomy …
At the corner, several off-road vehicles blocked the road ahead, and dozens of figures were lurking on both sides.
Tight encirclement knew they would never let him go.

Qi Qiao reluctantly smiled and missed Su Jing’s topic and continued to say, "There is no other way for school sister to practice the robbery again … After that good thing, her practice speed was slow, and it was only a year ago that she entered Xiaozhen, and she traveled to Shimen Mountain to realize it, but she didn’t hear from her."

When calculating, twenty years after the Star-Star disaster, the overseas Chinese lost their lives, and thirty-five years later, the first three places were broken, so the speed of reconstruction was really slow …
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-one Shadow Sword Sect
"I’m worried that my school sister went to see Master several times and wanted to look for her in the mountain, but Master refused to promise that it was a good thing for me to be worried." Qiqiao sighed, "I always feel uneasy. You have more friends outside. Can you help me? It’s not to ask her to come back, but to find her and find a message. I would be grateful if you could take care of her again."
Nie Luowu doesn’t go to find someone, and Su Jing can’t ask him for help from Tianzong or his fellow travelers. However, Su Jing can ask the demon family to help find the news of bee and overseas Chinese. Su Jing won’t forget to nod immediately and promise to send a message to Xie Lou at the reward of heaven, or he will have to trouble Master San Agong Jin.
Bee overseas Chinese reached out and patted Su Jing’s shoulder. "Thank you, I’ll cook a meal for you! I can cook noodles. Do you like them? "
"noodle soup or noodles?"
"Picky on you!" Qiaoxiaoqianxi Neldock really turned and left to give Su Jing noodles a cup of tea. After Kung Fu, Su Jing suddenly flew out of the air and a beautiful butterfly with wings of ice and fire landed on his shoulder.
Su Jing’s knowledge of butterfly’s Nero dock is true, and the elders specialize in spiritual communication. Compared with other Zong Ling’s communication, this ice and fire butterfly also hides a mysterious killing method, which can not only communicate but also defend the enemy. It is not easy to refine it. It may be nothing, but it is of great value to ordinary sects.
The butterfly fluttered its wings and started a clever sound into Su Jinger’s ear. "Did you forget to ask if you put chopped green onion?"
After a word, precious butterflies melt into ice and disperse into fire.
Su Jing thinks this Qi Qiao is really a prodigal family. It’s really sharp to be away from the mountain. Jin Jian Xun called and put it in the past!
Tianzong’s younger brother acted in an atmosphere and made noodle soup skillfully. One pot was divided into nine bowls of Su Jing, three corpses, and four younger disciples. Then, Qi Qiao counted himself. After eating the noodles, Su Jing took leave and greeted the elder celebrities in Nerowood, and went to prepare for returning to the motherland, but he just flew up and suddenly smelled rumbling through heaven and earth.
Su Jing saw Qi Qiao off and frowned. "It’s annoying!"
The bell hanging from the mountain gate is as effective as the old drum outside Nerowood. When the drum rings, it says that someone is coming outside to challenge.
Qi Qiao bowed his hand and apologized to Su Jing, saying, "Not far away, send me to send those guys who don’t know the depth. Have a nice trip and get news from your younger sister at any time." After that, she paused and turned around and waved her hand at Su Jing. "You can come at any time if you want to drink noodle soup!"
We visited Zong Sujing with our younger brothers for several days respectively, and took people back to the motherland. On the way, the mouths of the three corpses almost didn’t stop for a moment to talk and talk, and there were endless topics. I don’t know which one started. In the past few decades, the newly-built family has constantly challenged the noble family, and everyone has been disturbed. Su Jing suddenly found a reason to say that he hadn’t seen San Grandpa for a long time, and took out some gifts from his bag. Please ask the three corpses to help him run for a trip, thank the floor and pay tribute to Su Jing.
Three grandfathers have deep pockets and Su Jing is polite. In the past, he will come back with heavy gifts and thank the floor for food and beauty. Naturally, he promised to go happily.
Su Jing, a three-scoundrel, took out the purple painted skin and said to his four brothers around him, "Let’s choose one and wear it and go around with me."
Chen Jing was curious, "What did Master take us to?"
Sun Xijia narrowed his eyes "and wear painted skin … unless to do bad things? !” My little girl talks about "doing bad things" in a veiled way. Sun Xijia is in high spirits. His words are eloquent.
"Hu said away from the mountain, both are the right way, and Tianzong will not be evil! Teacher is to see if you practice swordsmanship, "Su Jingxiao replied.
It’s midsummer. It’s June 27th.
There are nine thousand three hundred miles apart between Nerowood and Lishan. Su Jing walked for almost two months with four younger brothers. It was the end of the month when he returned to Lishan …
Take off the painted skin and enter the mountain gate. Go to the Star Peak on the bank of Linqing to meet senior brother first.
Lin Qing-pan is really a leisure man. He went fishing in a pool deep in the mountain. A small fire was built around him to catch one. After eating, he baked one and then went fishing by the fire. Two flagons have just started. Su Jing and four younger generations have just caught a big fish and are rubbing scales with their sleeves.
See the teacher younger brother came Lin Qing side waved and laughed "just right, it’s a real treat."
There is a joke in the practice door that faces northwest and opens your mouth wide, which means that if you drink the northwest wind, you will have a meal. The profound generation of practice will breathe in aura and melt into the body. Kun will no longer need to eat. Occasionally, he may pick a drop of summer flower honey dew and put a piece of green tea in his mouth. That’s all. It’s a rare sight to see.
When they came near, four younger generations claimed that Shi Bo paid homage to Su Jing at the riverside of Lin Qing, and immediately laughed, "Brother, is this … grilled fish enlightenment?"
The children are naughty, that is, pretending to be weird. What is naughty compared with Su Jing’s four younger generations?
The magnificent Tianzong, the master of the sword leaving the mountain, and the younger martial uncle brought four Xiaozhen all the way from north to south. When they met the new Sect, they went to fold their prestige … Because the newcomers have always come to challenge the mountain for decades, this is equal.
"It’s not a bad thing for newcomers to practice suddenly to gain great strength and teachers to guide their mood. It’s not a bad thing to lose their spirit at this time." Lin Qingpan gave Su Jing a good excuse and laughed for a while, and then the question was absent-minded.
Such as? What’s like? It’s nothing more than two things. Our brother is like a challenged family.
The spring tide of Lingyuan has come, but in recent decades, how profound can those new sects be in such a short time even if they have the opportunity to make things happen? There is no match for the evil spirit. Shuangxijia, four talents, have earned hard work, have been instructed by famous teachers, and have been practicing the Dharma doll on the top. They have been solid all the way. However, several clans have impressed Su Jing deeply. Their magic swords are biased, evil and sharp, which is quite unique.
Su Jing probably talked about the challenges all the way, and finally said, "There are many amazing people among the people who have achieved enlightenment in the spring tide, and the art of surprise is fashionable and short-lived, and it may become a climate in a short time."
When listening to the story, Lin Qing nodded noncommittally and pulled out two pieces of jade slips from his sleeve and handed them to Su Jing, who took them. The first piece was Su Jing’s parade period, and there was nothing to say. What is recorded in the last piece of jade slips is what happened recently in the practice of Taoism, where new sects rose and which old sects recovered from injuries, etc. Most of them are not worth mentioning, but there is one thing that interests Su Jing.

I can’t see it!

The culture chamber is covered with a layer of silver-gray film, which will block Xu’s spirit from being induced by death.
On how hard Xu tui tried to penetrate this membrane.
Still can’t see what’s in the incubator.
"Is this a telepathic nemesis?"
Xu tui is a little depressed.
One day, the telepathy was discovered and broken by Luo Mu, and then it was almost impossible to induce telepathy before the 14th Institute, and it was blocked by a film.
Xu felt some ideas collapsed.
Spirit does not seem to be the enemy.
There are many nemesis!
Xu tui encountered two kinds today!
This made Xu retreat a lot of new cognition and ideas …
The huge rectangular incubator in the scientific research room surprised many people.
Especially when it is associate with that possible cultivation of’ people’ inside.
Xu returned this surprise to an extreme.
I was still thinking about many problems until I got a bottle of E-class energy supplement from the Gene Research Institute that month.
Is it legal if the culture in the culture warehouse of Institute No.14 is’ human’?
Is it illegal?
If the cultivation in the cultivation warehouse of No.14 Institute is really a’ person’, what research does An Xiaoxue come to do?
Will there be anything bad in these studies?
Chapter sixty-three Look at the new posture
I haven’t returned to the dormitory area yet, so I suddenly realized my idea of retreating.
An Xiaoxue currently presides over Institute No.14, which belongs to Genetic Research Institute.
What institution is the Gene Research Institute?
It is the first scientific research institution affiliated to the highest gene committee in each district.
Kyoto Prefecture, the Gene Research Institute, is the headquarters of Huaxia Gene Research Institute.

"It’s not terrible to die. I’ve enjoyed the most beautiful things and the most delicious food in the world. I’m not willing to die at the hands of a mud-legged pariah," the star said maliciously

"There is no such thing as untouchability or expensive life, and the value of your life is the same. It is meaningless to say it in your last words, because there is no place for you in the world." Zhang Lan pulled out the reverse blade.
"I don’t need you to start work, my life and death are my own decisions." The stars said and took out a delicate dagger from behind.
This knife is a family treasure. The father of Xingchen gave the position of chairman to Gloria, but he gave the dagger to Xingchen. In their father’s mind, Gloria can take care of the whole people of free group, while the star holding the dagger can protect her sister.
But in fact, the stars never understood his father’s meaning. Greed, cruelty and fierceness annihilated his humanity, and death was the inevitable result.
"I hate this feeling. It’s disgusting to lose." The stars pulled out the dagger backhand and took a deep breath. Both of them dared not tremble in the middle of their hands. "Hey, do you want to watch it all the time? Come and help me. My hand is cramping! "
"It’s not a cramp, it’s just a fear. This can happen to everyone." Zhang Lan sighed and stepped forward to help the stars hold the handle inch by inch until the whole knife was stabbed
"It didn’t hurt so much?" Stars surprise way
"Because your body will naturally secrete renal gland hormone, it is painless to paralyze your nerves, but your life is over." Zhang Lan gently looked back at another group chairman who ended his life
Chapter five hundred and fifty-seven Cross the rubicon universe war
In the universe, the mutual attack of warships has changed from a simple fleet war to a camp killing each other.
You Na shows that the imperial regiment has control over the ball, which can not only command all the regiments, but also command the universe fleet, and now even the imperial ring is completely under the control of the imperial regiment.
What does this mean? Zhang Lan’s control over the earth has simply become a god. The chairman of his regiment and the unified organization have no restraint ability for Zhang Lan.
In such a long history of the earth, no one has ever managed to dominate the ball, but Zhang Lan has.
It is this kind of dominance that Nikyang leads Chaos, which is tantamount to thinking about the moment when Zhang Lan rashly attacked the overlord regiment not long ago. At that time, he still thought that he was the enemy of the world, but now he has taken control of the whole world, which has changed Gu Xuan and his position by one degree. Think carefully and fear.
As a last resort, Nikyang must also inform Chaos to wander or he will become a huge target for many rail guns.
At present, the emperor’s ring faces himself and can attack an orbiting satellite gun. Even if Chaos is stronger, there are still 64 floating orbit satellite guns. The difference in quantity is too much, which can be made up by wandering.
Chaos floating matrix ball with energy shield is definitely the strongest defense body of the warship at present, but it is still impossible to confront the whole defense body of Emperor Ring.
And this advantage is getting bigger and bigger as Zhou Xian moves …
Sitting in Washington, D.C., Zhou Xian, the host computer room of Eye in the Eye, kept tapping the keyboard and actively joined You Na.
"You Na and I directly cut into the human-computer network of Chaos and those hives, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do this. This distance is too far. They make the network different from the earth, but I can try to hack into their system." Zhou Xian calculated a terrorist plan.
"What do you need my cooperation for?" You Na to react immediately.
"If even one bullet is attached to the surface of Chaos, I can find a way to hack into them and let Chaos die instantly." Zhou Xian is also throwing caution to the wind.
"How sure are you?" You Na serious way
"2% for 1 second and 6% for 1 minute when the fiber-optic projectile stays on the surface of Chaos; It is almost "excessive" for Zhou Xian to be able to keep 1% cut-in for 5 minutes.
But to know that it took a whole year for a overlord group to be paralyzed in five minutes and it took more than 1% of the universe to collect resources to complete the warship, it immediately felt nothing.
"I’ll be responsible for the completion of what you asked me to do. You are ready to invade." You Na said and hung up the communication and got up from the captain’s position
"Ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to do something important. Thank you for being so supportive of me. Although I’m not an easy-going girl, you dare not back me up." You Na suddenly said.
"Because you can burn people, captain. What are you doing?" Xin Bug Chief Officer has sensed that something is wrong.
"From now on, I hand over the captain’s power to Xin Bug. He will be your acting captain and I need to fly the fighter." You Na is going to be himself
You Na knows that this kind of invasion Zhou Xian is also fighting for her life. She needs to send bombs to fight the Chaos firewall through optical fiber. This kind of power is thousands of kilometers away from the earth. No one can make it so far, but Zhou Xian’s network loss power can do it. She needs to send the spirit of the Ministry to thousands of kilometers away. If something goes wrong, she will die.
There is no reason for Zhou Xian to take risks alone. You Na must play along to the end.
"Captain, are you serious? 20 thousand fleet command you to throw it to me? I have never carried a flag and fear of death is what I brought out of the womb! " Xin bedbugs are almost crying in a panic.
"Give full play to your BUFF and try every means to make everyone alive, so I can take care of it." You Na patted Xin Bug on the shoulder with a smile and left everything.
"How are you going to fight this?" Xin Bug is also resentful.
Unloading the shoulder burden and walking out of the bridge at that moment, You Na became the warrior who rushed to the battlefield … Let You Na not help but smile.
Although You Na is a celestial semi-protoss chaos root, there is no opponent to fight in World War I, but this is too environment after all, no matter how strong Una is, it is extremely small relative to the universe. If it is too small, You Na will die like his ordinary people.
Knowing that the Skyfighter team is leaving, the fighter pilots have finished closing in the hangar.
Noah’s warship is equipped with the Skyfighter model "Falcon", a small shuttle with a length of 5 meters, which has extremely fast maneuverability and not strong defense. It is equipped with a shield-off defense system, but it can make a limited number of times, and some large attacks cannot be defended.
In order to increase flexibility, Falcon is equipped with relatively few ammunition, and four missiles are off the machine gun, which is the main weapon. The range of this small space fighter is about 5 kilometers around Noah’s warship at most.
This is the same as the purpose of Noah’s warship. Noah’s warship is a powerful ship. Targets 5 kilometers away from space battleship can rely on causal guns and a large number of ship weapons to complete the attack. There is no need to always strengthen their fighter groups like aircraft carriers
You Na, the captain of the fighter team, said to the team members while wearing a fighter plane, "Ladies and gentlemen, I will need you to carry out a narrow escape operation. We need to cross the entire theater, penetrate through the floating matrix group of Chaos and leave their shields so that I can smoothly send optical fibers to the surface of Chaos."
"It’s hard for me to describe to you how dangerous it is, but the only thing I can say is that this is our best chance to win. I can guarantee that no matter how difficult the battle is, I won’t lose one of you and fight until the end, all right?"
"White Sir!" Member qi answered.
"Very good!" You Na said and buckled the driver’s helmet and quickly rolled over and sat in the cockpit of his fighter plane.
There are as many fighters in the whole fleet, which is the second chance that Noah’s warship can not carry out at present, and it is a desperate battle
When You Na debugged the system, Zhang Lan’s face appeared on the screen in front of him.
"You Na, I don’t approve your battle plan. You can’t work so hard." Zhang Lan objected positively.
"I’m sorry that the sword string has to send Chaos, which is a terrible cosmic-class special warship. If this thing is still near, the orbital area will be completely controlled by Guxuan. This is our only chance. I don’t know when it is." You Na continued to debug.
"Do you also want to disobey orders?" Zhang Lan is a little angry.
"Just because you said you believed in what I did, you should support me conditionally." Una smiled.
"The death rate is too high, which is not my intention." Zhang Lan blamed herself.
"Zhang Lan, not all plans can be under your control. We have to learn to adapt to the line." You Na said and hung up the communication
Chapter five hundred and fifty Dance Snow is going back to Earth
The battle against Kun is more like a tragic suicide attack. After Linger was killed, a group of celestial semi-protoss all attacked with red eyes.
At present, there are only two attack units that can cut into Kun’s side, namely Ye Chang and Long Wangye, who constantly stand on the platform to create various multilaterals to hinder Kun’s action, but the effect is very limited.
Soul-breaking and Caster have been constantly switching platform positions about 1 km away for multi-angle long-range attacks.
They cooperate perfectly, which is simply a model for the semi-protoss to besiege and fight god at the educational level, but looking around the world, it is probably possible for Guxuan to attack Kun with such luxury.
However, Kun was never injured except for some nosebleeds just now. He wandered around many besiegers and constantly countered the enemy without falling wind.
"broken soul wave!" In the distance, there is another wave of broken souls. In the past, Kun was hard-jointed and then came out of the explosion unscathed.
This time, Kun dodged sideways and let the horrible light mass fall freely into the ocean, directly blowing out a water column as high as 100 meters. What is even more frightening is that Kun turned his head sideways and looked at the broken soul and Caster.
"Run!" The sovereign is nervous and constantly switches to a new position platform, so that the broken soul can quickly escape with Custer.
Because of too much attention to protect the broken soul and Caster, no one thought that Kun appeared behind the sovereign just now, just now, the absolute realm was once again opened to the sovereign and Kun together.

If you find it, it’s probably nothing. Can you still lock a man up?

"I always pay more attention to my daily life according to my original plan and invite them to the Bureau of Investigation for tea whenever I have the opportunity."
"I don’t know if there are many people in this organization, so we haven’t been asking for information."
Another possibility is that this organization is mainly active in foreign countries, and its fighters in Baiyun Prefecture and Baijiang City are the only black swordsman.
Others may be logistical support, which of course is hard to find.
"Don’t worry, I am duty-bound to find this organization!"
Jiangtingqiu avenue
He’s been waiting for days. Brother Black hasn’t met him, but he has found many clues.
He believes that he is so enthusiastic that it is only a matter of time before a heart is found!
There will be!
I talked a few words about the more important issues. "The influence caused by the frequent occurrence of evil in various places these days has become more and more serious. Our Donghuang border is barely under control, but some small countries have fallen into fear."
"Like Borneo, there has been an extremely serious disaster, with the gates of hell pouring out in an instant, and it is difficult to count the fallacies. Now that city has completely fallen into the casualties."
Hearing this, both Snow White and other investigators gasped at the scene.
The gates of hell!
The wave of evil!
Can human beings resist this? How do you feel that the end will come at any time!
"But we are not too desperate. There are more and more paradoxes, but we humans are also making progress. A few days ago, the General Bureau of Investigation made a new breakthrough and developed a lethal weapon that can guide and compress the growth of life energy."
Zhou Bureau said
This almost makes people breathless.
But the investigators are all curious about when the new weapons in Zhou’s mouth will be equipped with them. Wait a minute … They don’t seem to wake up and can’t guide life energy.
Expecting investigator Orz
At this time of Zhou Bureau, people brought a long box. "This is a new weapon. I also have a lot of human feelings to give priority to our Baijiang Branch."
Inside the box, there was a white pike split into two pieces and lying quietly in a long wooden box.
Zhou Bureau looked at Snow White with a pair of lures | turn … Cough him, how can someone do something called lures? There has been no special investigator in Baijiang Branch. He did this in the hope that Snow White could sit here for a long time.
It wouldn’t be so tight to have a special investigator in their Baijiang branch.
This is beneficial to both sides.
"Give it a try. Only you can make this weapon here."
Chapter 39 Actions of all parties
Snow White is also curious. She has heard a little about the development of this new weapon.
For a long time, like her, her awakening ability is not high, and the strength of the special investigator is actually awkward.
Come on, they can’t cope with it. The output is purely scraping.
To put it mildly, they can get rid of evil by themselves, and they can save a lot without using foreign things.
But is a special investigator like her saving money? Can’t!
Scraping is because life energy is too loose to find a guiding method.
Just like if a person wants to kill a tiger with his fist, he may be too tired to do it-or if the tiger doesn’t answer back.
But if this person has a sharp machete in his hand, it will be different, and he can easily break the defense and stop scraping.